TOP 10 Intersting computer history fact


PART :- 2

Intersting computer history fact
Computer history fact

FACT NO :- 1

It is much debated whether any single person can be said to have invented the first computer. Examples of candidates are Charles Babbage and Konrad Zuse.

FACT NO :- 2 

In 1951, Jay Forrester and Robert Everett, graduate students at MIT, constructed
the ' Whirlwind,' a 'real-time computer,' working at twice the speed of the ENIAC.

FACT NO :- 3

In 1976, the term "personal computer" first appeared in print, in the May issue of Byte Magazine.

FACT NO :- 4 

In 1981, while working on the original version of Microsoft's Disk Operating System (DOS), Bill Gates made a remarkable predic-tion: "64 0 K (of RAM)
should be enough for anyone."

FACT NO :- 5 

The ter m 'bug' was probably coined after
Admiral Grace Hopper found a moth in the Mark II computer at the US Naval Surface Warfare Center, causing the machine to malfunction.

The Incredible Feat of a Seagate Read/Write Head it's like a 747 going 60 0 Mph 3 Feet off the ground counting blades of grass as it flies by

FACT NO :- 6 

J i m Knopf is known as the 'father of shareware'. His first shareware program
was PC-Fiie, in 1982, which Knopf published under the pseudonym Ji m Button.

FACT NO :- 7 

In 1970, Steve Wozniak played a huge prank by distributing 25,00 0 leaflets for a non-exis tent computer, which was later
referred to as the Zaltair Hoax.

FACT NO :- 8 

The ENIAC had 20,00 0 vacuum tubes and 4 0 racks of equip-ment, and ran up a daily electric bill of $60, a large amount at
the time, the mid 1940s.

FACT NO :- 9 

The first computer to perform a trillion opera tions per second was called the Gravity Pipeline.

FACT NO :- 10 

Les Solomon, publisher of the magazine Popular Electronics, and Ed Roberts
were looking for a name to release their new computer under. They finally called it the Altai

FACT NO :- 11

Founder Paul Gavin came up with the name Motorola when his company started manufacturing radios for motorcars.

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