8 Amazing Facts About Mobile Computing


8 Amazing Facts About Mobile Computing

8 Amazing Facts About Mobile Computing
8 Amazing Facts About Mobile Computing

Over fifty percent of CIO’s and IT

professionals believe mobility will

impact their organizations as much

or more than the internet did in the


“It has become appallingly obvious,

Albert Einstein once observed, that

our technology has exceeded our

humanity.” If that’s how the

legendary 20th century physicist

perceived technology in his day, then

you can only wonder what he’d make

of the vast ubiquitous presence of

mobile technology today. Indeed,

it’s difficult to think of how we

functioned as a society before

smartphones, tablets and other

devices emerged as mainstream tools.

CIO’s and other managers, of course,

have much at stake here. As reported

previously, more and more

organizations are carefully examining

their mobile strategies. They want to

ensure that their employees have the

most productive, user-friendly tools

at their disposal to further business

goals. And they view mobility as a

critical pathway toward greater

customer connectivity and

engagement. Given this, we present

the following current facts about

mobility usage and enterprise-focused

trends. They were compiled from a

number of online resources such as

those posted by the Radicati Group

and Kinvey.

FACT NO :- 1

1. Vision Void – 85% of

enterprises still have no plans

to employ a single leader for

mobility, despite mobile’s

anticipated impact upon their


FACT NO :- 2

2. Well Populated – The number

of worldwide business

consumer mobile users will

increase to 6.2 billion by the

end of 2018 – accounting for

84% of people on Earth.

FACT NO :- 3

3. Gadget Growth – The number

of devices will grow from 7.7

billion in 2014 to 12.1 billion by

the conclusion of 2018.

FACT NO :- 4

4. BYOD-Mania – One-half of

companies will require

employees to use their own

device for work by 2017.

FACT NO :- 5

5. OMG! – The mobile IM

Market will grow to more than

3.8 billion accounts by the end

of 2018; up from 1.4 billion


FACT NO :- 6

6. App Explosion – 4.4 billion

people will use mobile apps by

the conclusion of 2017, growing

by nearly 30% every year.

FACT NO :- 7 

7. Prime Opportunity – 64% of

users with smartphones have

made a mobile purchase after

seeing a mobile ad.

FACT NO :- 8

8. Top Mobile Activities for U.S.

Users –

Social networking: 76%

Obtaining local information: 73%

Getting news updates: 68%

Playing music: 63%

Playing games: 61%






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